Summer Day Camp (Nebraska)

This camp is in Norfolk, Nebraska....not Norfolk, Virginia.

Registration opens Tuesday, March 25 at 8:00am

Day Camp 2025

YMCA Day Camp is for children entering K - 6th grades in Fall 2025. Day Camp provides an incredibly adventurous summer full of games, arts and crafts, swimming, weekly field trips, and lots of fun! This program will include activities that will challenge your child to develop physically, mentally, and socially. Youth are placed into age-appropriate groups for daily activities (9 am - 3 pm) as follows: Rockin’ Rockets (Entering Grades K-1st); Shooting Stars (Grades 2nd-3rd); & Supernovas (Grades 4th-6th). Some field trips will be attended together. All field trips are scheduled for Thursdays, between 9 am - 3:30 pm.

Dates: May 27 - August 8 (11 individual weeks)

Times: 6:00 am - 3:30 pm (After Care 3:30-6:00 pm, see below for more details)

Main programming is between 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. All children should plan to attend during these hours Monday - Friday.

Fees: Member: $140/week, per child

Non-Member: $165/week, per child

The great thing about Day Camp is that you can register for the weeks that you need/want, so come 1 week or up to all 11 weeks! We see new faces each week, so making new friendships lasts all summer long.

*Limited to 75 youth per week*

After Care

After Care is optional after the Day Camp day. After Care is from 3:30 - 6:00 pm, Monday – Friday, parents can pick-up at any time. We start with snack-time, free-time, and then the Day Camp staff provide more structured or free-play games and activities on the indoor field turf and gyms, and outdoor playtime.

To eliminate the extra After Care fees, please plan to pick-up between 3:00-3:30 pm daily.

Deadline: Weekly registration for After Care is due by the Tuesday prior to camp.

Fees: Member: $6/day, per child

Non-Member: $10/day, per child

Contact Shayla at the YMCA for more information at 402-371-9770 or


2025 Summer Day Camp Flyer

2025 Registration Form


Day Camp Director

Shayla Lind


Day Camp

Day Camp

Day Camp